Crispy Brussel Sprouts + Spicy Thai Aioli

Crispy Brussel Sprouts + Spicy Thai Aioli
Crispy Brussel Sprouts + Spicy Thai Aioli
1 lb brussel sprouts
2 T olive oil
1 T Alchemy All Purpose Seasoned Salt
1 cup mayo
1 T Alchemy Spicy Thai Blend

Preheat AirFryer to 380.
Wash, trim stems, and halve brussel sprouts.
Toss with oil + Alchemy All Purpose Seasoned Salt.
Place brussels in basket and cook for 15 minutes total.
At the 8 minute mark, pause and shake basket.
Resume cooking - adjusting time, if needed.
Serve with Spicy Thai Aioli

In a small bowl, mix mayo + Alchemy Spicy Thai Blend until well combined.
Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

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